Cousin of the dolphin - Amazon

Just like the dolphins in the sea, they are born lead gray, then they become whitish, and the older they get, the pinker they become. According to the river dwellers, they have this pink coloration because they are very aggressive towards each other, and this color is their scarred skin, and the older they get, the pinker they are.

Everyone knows the "cousin of the dolphin", the pink dolphin, from photos, and if you ask yourself whether they are born pink, the answer is "NO".

It is also worth knowing that, the waters of the Amazon have their dry season, during which these animals are more confined to the channel, males and females, while they are all together there, is precisely the time of mating, and surprisingly the females prefer the pink ones, supposedly because they are more masculine, but in the floods they can swim through a large flooded area and thus "escape" from the males.

There is a legend that these animals turn into handsome men on the night of the full moon and impregnate young women by the river (ribeirinho is the name given to the people who live on the banks of the Amazon), after which they return to the waters of the river and are never seen again.

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